
Do you know how to repair
when you feel disconnected?

Do you wonder why sometimes you feel connected to your partner and at other times feel disconnected? A person’s happiness is significantly related to the quality of our intimate relationships. As humans we are hard- wired to connect. Most of us want someone to hold us tight. That quality of repair distinguishes the couples that lead happy lives with those who end up in divorce court.


We prepare for our careers with years of education or on the job training yet when it comes to relationships we often have little preparation. Often, we find ourselves in repetitive cycles of negative thoughts feelings and behaviors that trigger our partners. We react to our partner’s reactions and our partner reacts to our reactions. We go round and round not moving forward effectively.


In order to provide my couples with the best help proven by science, we’ve sought training by the leading couple’s therapists in the world including, Dr. Sue Johnson, Drs. John and Julie Gottman and Hedy Schleifer. We are passionate about helping couples achieve the love they dream about experiencing. We can be the difference that will make a difference in your relationship.


If you are ready to make changes that can provide you with the love you offer and hope to receive, please contact us. Take the steps to turn your dreams into reality and to discover the peaks and valleys on the map of love.

Schedule an appointment today to
start seeing the promise of tomorrow.